It is a universal recommendation that all babies should be
exclusively breastfed or given infant formula milk up to the age of six months. Mothers are encouraged to breastfeed their babies unless there are special considerations since breast milk has been found to be more superior to infant formula milk.
Breastfeeding has been associated with better immunity for the infant, reduced risks of sudden infant death, increasing bonding between mother and baby and breastfed babies have higher IQ than babies fed on formulas.
From 6 months, start weaning the baby from breast milk by gradually introducing a solid diet. The digestive system for the baby is more developed now and can
tolerate solid food in small amounts.
Start with a soft diet like cooked mashed potatoes, yams,
sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, and others. Remember that the baby will not
start by taking large amounts but small amounts then supplemented with breast
milk or milk formula as tolerated.
As the baby tolerates mashed soft diet, introduce finger
licks like ripe bananas to enable them to learn how to chew.
At the ages of 8 to 9 months, the baby has learned how to chew
and maybe appropriate time to introduced soft chewable food like soft chicken
meat; fish (make sure there are no bones).
Introducing cow or goat milk has certain considerations. From 6
months of age cow’s milk can be mixed with other foods for the baby. Having
cow’s or goat’s milk as a drink should begin from one year of age. Skimmed milk
is not a good choice for children less than 5 years of age.
Protein food allergies like milk, eggs and nut allergy seem
to be getting common in babies than before. Allergy usually happens when the
immune system registers the food protein as harmful and the body produces
chemicals that produce signs of allergy.
Increasing hygiene standards have been hypothesized to be
one of the contributing factors to the development of allergy. Increasing
cleanliness puts the immune system of babies at throes of under stimulation
with fewer bacteria and viruses to fight. This may cause the under-stimulated
immune system to respond inappropriately to food proteins like milk, eggs or
nuts causing an allergy.
There is this idea that delaying allergenic protein foods in
babies like milk, eggs, and nuts help in the prevention of allergy development in
babies and children is no longer valid. At the age of six months when the baby
is gradually being weaned from breast milk, give baby one protein at a time and
watch closely for any sign of an allergy. If the baby has an existing allergic
condition, you may need to consult your pediatrician before introducing the
protein foods to the baby.
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