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Thursday, 1 December 2016


Alcohol is a stimulant.

The euphoric and inhibitory effect has made alcohol to be falsely dumped as a stimulant. Alcohol is a depressant, it causes sleep, drowsiness, altered consciousness, coma, even death. Death may ensue in higher concentrations when the vital function like breathing is depressed.

Alcohol and its associated problems are for the person who drinks.

Alcoholism is not only a problem to the individual drinker but also a problem to the society at large. The state is obligated to enact laws and enforce them to restrict alcohol use. Alcohol use is associated with violence, drunk driving, a risky sexual engagement which touches the society at large.



Alcoholics lack will power and are morally weak.

Alcoholism results as a result of a variety of factors like genetic, environmental, social and others. Individuals who engage in drinking may develop alcohol dependence which makes it hard for them to quit. The occurrence of withdrawal seizures, agitation, tremors, irritability, hallucinations and many more impels an alcoholic to engage in drinking with an intent to cease the symptoms.

A small amount of alcohol can't affect the body functions negatively.

The grounds in which there are legal restrictions on alcohol use is simply because it is clear that alcohol affects and has a propensity to alter bodily functions. Alcohol blows are in place to curb drunk driving. Drinking during pregnancy is a red light to a healthy pregnancy.

Alcohol effects are short-lived.

Let us depict this scenario, Samuel is an alcoholic. He has a designated driver to take him home when drunk. When he gets home he spends most his night at the servant quarters to avoid an argument with his wife.

Acute effects of alcohol can lead to drunk driving, automobile accidents, loss of lives, family violence, fight, fall, risky sexual engagement, and progressive drinking will result in alcohol dependence and compromised health status. No one is immune to the effects of alcohol.

Alcohol promotes the health status of the body.

There is a lot of errors and half-truths about the use of alcohol. As a matter of fact, one doesn't become an alcoholic in one day. The small bits of alcohol taken in the disguise of promoting one health puts one at throes of being alcoholic and doesn't exonerate one from the acute and long-term effects of alcohol.

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