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Saturday, 24 June 2017


This is a name given to the sudden death of an otherwise healthy infant. It is common during the first year of life and occurs during sleep.

  1. Sleeping in a prone position.
  2. Use of non-infant bed for sleeping.
  3. Use of soft and fluffy bedding to cover the baby.
  4. Low birth weight babies.
  5. Babies of an alcoholic mother or cigarette smoker.
  6. Exposure to tobacco smoke after birth.

  1. Avoid substance abuse.
  2. Use baby cots for sleeping rather than non-infant sleeping surfaces.
  3. Avoid covering the baby with excess bedding.
  4. Adequate prenatal care.
  5. Don't stuff extra bedding in the baby's cot.
  6. Mothers not to sleep in the same bed with their babies.
  7. Burp the baby after breastfeeding. 
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