In the advent of increased socioeconomic status in the society, physical fitness has been a subject of concern for many people with a calculated move to shed off extra pounds and improve the general appearance. A sedentary lifestyle has been on the rise leading to less calorific expenditure and a concomitant statistical rise in overweight and obesity.
Overweight and obesity have been implicated with the emergence of disease burden like altered cholesterol level with low HDL-cholesterol and high LDL-cholesterol, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, cancers, osteoarthritis, sleep breathing problems and obesity hyperventilated syndrome.[1]
- Low-calorie intake.
Lack of caloric balance is the primary cause of overweight and obesity. A high-calorie diet with low-calorie expenditure will lead to weight gain and vise versa. [2]
There is no firm conclusion on ways to achieve a low-calorie diet but PubMed denotes that a low-fat diet has proven to be more effective than other conventional low-calorie diets. [12]
There is a common misguided attempt whereby other than taking water, there is a willful nutritional intake restriction for more than 12 hours when one is awake. However, a lot of fat will be burned to supply energy to the body with associated loss of weight, it is a temporal solution and detrimental to ones' health status.[3]
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- Physical activity.
- Dietary coconut oil supplementation.
Coconut oil is a medium-chain triglyceride.[7] Studies have shown that Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) enhances excess calorie burning, increases fat oxidation and increases satiety. [6]
- Green tea catechins
Another article by PubMed denotes that green tea and caffeine have been proposed to be essential in weight loss programs. Catechins and caffeine- which may be contained in green tea mixture- enhances the body's energy expenditure, fat oxidation and maintains normal metabolic rate during this transition of losing weight. [9]
- Quality protein in the diet.
another study published in PubMed to establish the relationship of quality protein, carbohydrate and dietary fat with the percentage of central abdominal fat. The study found out that there is an inverse relationship of the quality of proteins consumed to the total amount of central abdominal fat. [11]
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1. What Are the He Risks of Overweight and Obesity? National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. National Institute of Health. Viewed at: Viewed on: 05/06/2015.
2. What Causes Overweight and Obesity? National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. National Institute of Health. Viewed at: Viewed on: 05/06/2015.
3. Weight Loss. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Edited 2 months ago by Doc James, at the time of reference 05/06/2015. Viewed at:
4. High Intensity Intermitted Exercise and fat loss. By Stephen H. Boutcher. Viewed at: Viewed on 05/06/2015.
5. Effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women presenting abdominal obesity. By Assuncao ML 1, Ferreira HS, dos Santos AF, Cabral CR Jr, Florencio TM. Published; 2009 May 13. Viewed at:
6. Medium-chain triglyceride, Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia. Edited 25 days ago by Jytdog (at the date of reference) Address: Viewed on: 05/06/2015.
7. Medium-Chain Triglycerides. Coconut Research Center, Coconut oil and medium-chain triglycerides by Bruce Fite N.D, 2003. Viewed at: viewed on: 05/06/2015.
8. Green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight and obese adults. - PubMed - NCBI. By Maki KC 1, Reeves MS, Farmer M, Yasunaga K, Matsuo N, Katsuragi Y, Komikado M, Tokimitsu I, Wilder D, Jones F, Blumberg JB, Cartwright Y. Epub: 2008 Dec 11.
Viewed at: Viewed on: 05/06/2015.
9. Green tea catechins, caffeine, and body-weight regulation PubMed- NCBI. By; Westerterp-Plantenga MS. Physiol Behav. 2010 Apr 26;100(1):42-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2010.02.005. Epub 2010 Feb 13. Viewed at: Viewed on; 05/06/2015.
10. Increased protein intake and meal frequency reduce abdominal fat during energy balance and energy deficit. -PubMed - NCBI. By: Arciero PJ 1, Ormsbee MJ, Gentile CL, Nindl BC, Brestoff JR, Ruby M. Epub: 2013 May 23. Viewed at: Viewed on 05/06/2015.
11. Quality protein intake is inversely related to abdominal fat. PubMed- NCBI. BY Loenneke JP, Wilson JM, Manninen AH, Wray ME, Barnes JT, Pujol TJ. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2012 Jan 27;9(1):5. DOI: 10.1186/1743-075-9-5. Viewed at: Viewed on: 05/06/2015.
12. Low-calorie diets and sustained weight loss, obesity By Finer N. 2001 Nov, 9. Viewed at: