Probiotics are live microorganisms that when taken in
the right amount confers health benefits in preventing and treating diseases and
promoting optimal health standards. There are food supplies, beverages and
supplements which contain probiotics.
These live cultured bacteria found in food, beverages and in
supplement form includes:-
- Lactobacillus- they are of different species.
- Bifidobacteria- are of different species and inhabits the intestinal tract. They are good markers for intestinal health, improves glucose tolerance and cholesterol in the body.
- Saccharomyces boulardii- a yeast probiotic
- Streptococcus thermophilus
- Enterococcus faecium
- Leuconostoc
There are good and bad bacteria in the body. Maintaining a healthy
balance between these two bacteria is of essence for optimal health. Our
lifestyle is both the solution and problem to this delicate healthy balance
between good and bad bacteria. Misuse of antibiotics, emotional stress, unhealthy
food sources are some of the few factors that can influence the balance between
good and bad bacteria.
There are food sources which functions like probiotics. These food sources contain a non-digestible
carbohydrates which are also resistant to enzymatic digestion in the upper and
lower gut. In the lower gut, these non-digestible carbohydrates ferment and
produce short chain fatty acids.
MedicineNet gives a list of foods that contain these non-digestible
carbohydrates like :-
- Milk
- Honey
- Tomatoes
- Asparagus
- Banana
- Barley
- Garlic
- Lentils
- Onion
- Soybeans
- Sugar
- Sugarcane juice
- Wheat
Benefits of probiotics
Gut health- When the balance between the good and bad
bacteria is maintained, gut health is ensured. Health gut helps in elimination
of waste products from the body and also getting rid of the harmful bacteria.
MedicineNet indicates that, probiotics play an essential role in prevention of
infectious diarrhea, antibiotic induced diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome,
crohn’s disease and necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns,
Intact immune system- it is because of our body’s immune
status that we can stay off sickness. When the immune status is compromised,
our bodies can’t fight infections well and we tend to get sick more often. Autoimmune diseases are common with weakened immune status like Crohn’s disease,
ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Other common infections are
vaginal infections (candidiasis), skin infections, Infectious diarrhea. These
are common when the immune status of an individual is compromised.
Other benefits of probiotics may extend to the reproductive
tract in which the beneficial bacteria
may translocate to the reproductive tract and help to maintain the healthy
balance between the bad and good bacteria. The lactobacillus in the vaginal
canal helps in maintaining an acidic media that is meant necessary to fend off infections.
The acidic media helps to kill germs that may pose as a threat in causing
Prevention of lactose intolerance- each cultured bacteria in
either food, beverage or in supplement form play specific role in the body. Streptococcus thermophilus is a bacteria
thought to produce enzyme lactase which helps in prevention of lactose
Treatment of acne vulgaris- Acne vulgaris or simply acne is
characterized by pimple on the face, chest or shoulders with either white or
blackheads. Saccharomyces boulardii ,
a yeast probiotic is good in treatment of acne symptoms.
What is probiotic- Address:
Acne visual dictionary- Address:
Probiotic- Wikipedia. Address: