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Monday 30 September 2024

Are Kiwis Healthy? Insights from Dietitians on Their Benefits


Kiwis are not just a delicious and vibrant fruit; they are also packed with health benefits that can support various aspects of well-being. Dietitians highlight several key advantages of incorporating kiwis into your diet:

1. Boosting Immunity

Kiwis are rich in vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in strengthening the immune system. A single kiwi can provide more than the daily recommended intake of this essential vitamin, helping the body fend off infections and illnesses.

2. Supporting Gut Health

The fiber content in kiwis is another significant benefit. They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. Additionally, kiwis have been shown to support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, contributing to overall gut health.

3. Enhancing Sleep Quality

Kiwis are a natural source of antioxidants and serotonin, which can help regulate sleep patterns. Studies have suggested that consuming kiwis may improve sleep onset, duration, and efficiency, making them a great snack before bedtime.

4. Promoting Heart Health

Kiwis contain potassium and are low in sodium, making them beneficial for heart health. The antioxidants found in kiwis can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, contributing to better cardiovascular function.

5. Supporting Eye Health

Kiwis are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two compounds that support eye health by protecting against age-related macular degeneration. Including kiwis in your diet can contribute to maintaining good vision.

6. Aiding Weight Management

Low in calories but high in nutrients, kiwis make a satisfying snack that can help curb cravings. Their fiber content also promotes satiety, making them a smart choice for those looking to manage their weight.


Incorporating kiwis into your diet can provide a multitude of health benefits, from boosting immunity to supporting gut health and improving sleep quality. Their rich nutrient profile makes them a delicious and versatile addition to various meals and snacks. So, whether you enjoy them fresh, blended in smoothies, or added to salads, kiwis are a healthy choice worth considering!

Monday 14 October 2019

Depression and Pregnancy: The Overlooked Connection

By Sam Maondu.

Pregnancy is often described as a memorable and exciting experience, filled with emotional highs, like feeling the baby move and kick. However, it can also be a challenging journey, particularly during the first trimester, delivery, and the postpartum period. While physical discomforts are commonly addressed, the emotional struggles—such as depression during pregnancy and after childbirth—are less often discussed.

Antenatal and Postpartum Depression
Antenatal (during pregnancy) and postpartum (after childbirth) depression are serious conditions that affect many women. While the joy of expecting a child can be overshadowed by stress, hormonal changes, and fatigue, these depressive symptoms are more likely to occur in populations with poor dietary habits, particularly those with low vitamin D intake.

The Role of Vitamin D
Vitamin D, an essential fat-soluble nutrient, is crucial for healthy bone development, calcium absorption, and immune function. It also plays a role in mental health as a neuro-active hormone, affecting neurotransmitters linked to mood regulation. Research shows that vitamin D receptors are found throughout the brain, and a deficiency can disrupt neurotransmitter activity, potentially contributing to depression.

A systematic review of studies has shown a significant link between vitamin D deficiency and both antenatal and postpartum depression. Five out of nine studies reviewed found a connection between low vitamin D levels and postpartum depression, while four out of seven studies showed a link between vitamin D deficiency and antenatal depression. Though some studies have presented inconsistent findings, compelling evidence suggests that maintaining adequate vitamin D levels may reduce the risk of depression during and after pregnancy.

Health Impacts of Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy has been associated with numerous health risks, including neurobehavioral disorders such as autism, low birth weight, pre-eclampsia, and small-for-gestational-age births. This underscores the importance of adequate nutrition and sunlight exposure for pregnant women to support both physical and mental health.

In conclusion, while pregnancy is often viewed as a joyful experience, depression during this period is a reality for many women. Ensuring sufficient vitamin D intake may be an important step in reducing the risk of depression and promoting overall well-being during pregnancy and beyond.

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What handwriting say about our personality and personality traits.

Wednesday 14 March 2018


Here are some facts:-


  1. Breastfeeding: Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for newborns, providing essential antibodies and nutrients that support immunity and development. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life.

  2. Iron: Babies are born with iron stores that last for about six months. After this period, iron-rich foods such as fortified cereals, pureed meats, and legumes should be introduced to prevent anemia.

  3. Introduction to Solids: Babies are typically ready to start solid foods around 6 months old. It's important to introduce a variety of textures and flavors early on to support healthy eating habits.

  4. Healthy Fats: Healthy fats, like those found in avocados, breast milk, and formula, are crucial for brain development in the first two years of life.

  5. Vitamin D: Babies, especially those who are exclusively breastfed, may need a vitamin D supplement to support bone development and prevent rickets. Sunlight exposure is another natural source of vitamin D.


  1. Rapid Growth: Babies typically double their birth weight by around 4-6 months and triple it by their first birthday. Height increases by about 50% in the first year of life.

  2. Brain Development: A baby’s brain grows rapidly in the first two years, reaching 80% of its adult size by age 2. Proper nutrition, stimulation, and interaction are vital during this time to support cognitive development.

  3. Motor Skills: By around 6-9 months, babies typically develop the ability to sit up on their own, start crawling, and eventually stand. By 12 months, most babies are taking their first steps.

  4. Teething: Babies usually begin teething between 4-7 months, which can cause discomfort. Healthy chewing toys and cold foods can help soothe their gums.

Social Interaction

  1. Bonding: Skin-to-skin contact right after birth helps regulate a baby’s temperature and heart rate, while also promoting bonding between parent and child. Emotional bonding continues to develop through eye contact, touch, and gentle vocal interaction.

  2. Communication: Babies begin communicating through crying and facial expressions early on. By 6 months, they start recognizing familiar faces and sounds. By 12 months, they can usually understand simple words and gestures like waving goodbye.

  3. Emotional Development: Social interactions, especially with caregivers, are crucial for emotional development. By 9 months, babies can experience separation anxiety and start to develop a sense of attachment to their primary caregivers.

  4. Play and Learning: Play is essential for social and emotional growth. Simple games like peek-a-boo and playing with toys help babies develop motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and an understanding of their environment. By their first birthday, babies enjoy interactive play and are keen to imitate adult behaviors.

These aspects of nutrition, growth, and social interaction are foundational for a baby's overall development.

Saturday 24 June 2017


This is a name given to the sudden death of an otherwise healthy infant. It is common during the first year of life and occurs during sleep.

  1. Sleeping in a prone position.
  2. Use of non-infant bed for sleeping.
  3. Use of soft and fluffy bedding to cover the baby.
  4. Low birth weight babies.
  5. Babies of an alcoholic mother or cigarette smoker.
  6. Exposure to tobacco smoke after birth.

  1. Avoid substance abuse.
  2. Use baby cots for sleeping rather than non-infant sleeping surfaces.
  3. Avoid covering the baby with excess bedding.
  4. Adequate prenatal care.
  5. Don't stuff extra bedding in the baby's cot.
  6. Mothers not to sleep in the same bed with their babies.
  7. Burp the baby after breastfeeding. 
Handwriting: What It Tells About Personality And Personality Traits

Wednesday 25 January 2017


STI/ STD's- sexually transmitted infections are linked to infertility especially when they are left untreated. Both gonorrhea and chlamydia are sexually transmitted bacterial infections and when left untreated can have devastating and long term effects on the reproductive health of a woman. The infection may ascend to involve the fallopian tubes especially in women who take long before they seek medical assistance or those who don't experience symptoms to warrant them seek medical assistance. When the fallopian tube is involved they swell and during healing, scar tissue is formed which blocks the tubes impeding the passage of eggs and sperms. This causes infertility.

OBESITY- having extra weight more than a healthy weight may make it difficult for a woman to conceive. Obese women may have hormonal imbalances that trigger both ovulation and menstrual flow problems. Moreover, obese women are at risk of miscarriages, gestational diabetes mellitus, and premature labour.

LOW BODY MASS INDEX (underweight)- underweight women have been found to have low estrogen levels in the body. Estrogen primarily functions as a female sex hormone enhancing the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Extrapolating from this point, women who are underweight may have irregular menses or go through an anovulatory period of 2-3 months which may make it difficult to conceive.

COMMON POSTS: What Handwriting Say About Personality And Personality Traits

VIGOROUS EXERCISE- exercise helps us keep fit and healthy. Vigorous exercise, especially in athletes, leads to depletion and low fat under the skin which may be another reason for infertility.

ADVANCED AGE- as women age the chances of them becoming pregnant gets less and when they become pregnant at an advanced age they are at increased risks of pregnancy-related complications like miscarriage, abortions, high blood pressure, and others. 

SMOKING- I had highlighted before the darkest side of active and passive smokers. Nicotine in tobacco has been found to interfere with the body's ability to synthesize female hormone estrogen which is a significant hormone in ovulation. Female smokers have a 60% more risk of being infertile than non-smokers. Passive smokers are not exceptional so ladies keep off from men who are smoking.

ALCOHOLISM- I had blogged on the health effects of alcohol in pregnancy and there are more than just disabling effects of alcohol on the unborn baby. Alcohol doesn't affect only female fertility but men's fertility also. There is a universal recommendation that all women intending to become pregnant should stop taking alcohol for the safety of the baby. There no clear evidence that alcoholism affects female fertility but there is a relationship.

BIRTH CONTROL METHODS- different women respond differently to different methods on contraception just like the same way we have vegetarians and non-vegetarians. The best thing is to find which method of family planning suits you best. Each family planning method has got its pros and cons. Depo-Provera- an injectable contraceptive- is not recommended for people who are young, not had their first baby or those who are intending to become pregnant in the near future. It is a three-monthly injection but its contraceptive effect may persist for several months or more before the return of fertility. 

GENETICS- genetic abnormalities can also impede a woman from conceiving, carrying a pregnancy for 9 months or even prevent the fertilized ovum from being attached in the uterus leading to miscarriage. Just to digress slightly on this, women who have advanced in age may give birth to babies with a genetic problem in which the baby may have an extra number of chromosomes (down syndrome).

MEDICAL CONDITIONS- like endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome

THYROID PROBLEMS- women who are infertile should be checked on their thyroid functions. 


Health Risks Of Alcohol In Pregnancy

Obesity and infertility- NCBI. Link:

Wednesday 11 January 2017



It is a universal recommendation that all babies should be exclusively breastfed or given infant formula milk up to the age of six months. Mothers are encouraged to breastfeed their babies unless there are special considerations since breast milk has been found to be more superior to infant formula milk.

Breastfeeding has been associated with better immunity for the infant, reduced risks of sudden infant death, increasing bonding between mother and baby and breastfed babies have higher IQ than babies fed on formulas.


From 6 months, start weaning the baby from breast milk by gradually introducing a solid diet. The digestive system for the baby is more developed now and can tolerate solid food in small amounts.

Start with a soft diet like cooked mashed potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, and others. Remember that the baby will not start by taking large amounts but small amounts then supplemented with breast milk or milk formula as tolerated.

As the baby tolerates mashed soft diet, introduce finger licks like ripe bananas to enable them to learn how to chew.

At the ages of 8 to 9 months, the baby has learned how to chew and maybe appropriate time to introduced soft chewable food like soft chicken meat; fish (make sure there are no bones).

Introducing cow or goat milk has certain considerations. From 6 months of age cow’s milk can be mixed with other foods for the baby. Having cow’s or goat’s milk as a drink should begin from one year of age. Skimmed milk is not a good choice for children less than 5 years of age.


Protein food allergies like milk, eggs and nut allergy seem to be getting common in babies than before. Allergy usually happens when the immune system registers the food protein as harmful and the body produces chemicals that produce signs of allergy.

Increasing hygiene standards have been hypothesized to be one of the contributing factors to the development of allergy. Increasing cleanliness puts the immune system of babies at throes of under stimulation with fewer bacteria and viruses to fight. This may cause the under-stimulated immune system to respond inappropriately to food proteins like milk, eggs or nuts causing an allergy.

There is this idea that delaying allergenic protein foods in babies like milk, eggs, and nuts help in the prevention of allergy development in babies and children is no longer valid. At the age of six months when the baby is gradually being weaned from breast milk, give baby one protein at a time and watch closely for any sign of an allergy. If the baby has an existing allergic condition, you may need to consult your pediatrician before introducing the protein foods to the baby. 

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Thursday 1 December 2016


Alcohol is a stimulant.

The euphoric and inhibitory effect has made alcohol to be falsely dumped as a stimulant. Alcohol is a depressant, it causes sleep, drowsiness, altered consciousness, coma, even death. Death may ensue in higher concentrations when the vital function like breathing is depressed.

Alcohol and its associated problems are for the person who drinks.

Alcoholism is not only a problem to the individual drinker but also a problem to the society at large. The state is obligated to enact laws and enforce them to restrict alcohol use. Alcohol use is associated with violence, drunk driving, a risky sexual engagement which touches the society at large.



Alcoholics lack will power and are morally weak.

Alcoholism results as a result of a variety of factors like genetic, environmental, social and others. Individuals who engage in drinking may develop alcohol dependence which makes it hard for them to quit. The occurrence of withdrawal seizures, agitation, tremors, irritability, hallucinations and many more impels an alcoholic to engage in drinking with an intent to cease the symptoms.

A small amount of alcohol can't affect the body functions negatively.

The grounds in which there are legal restrictions on alcohol use is simply because it is clear that alcohol affects and has a propensity to alter bodily functions. Alcohol blows are in place to curb drunk driving. Drinking during pregnancy is a red light to a healthy pregnancy.

Alcohol effects are short-lived.

Let us depict this scenario, Samuel is an alcoholic. He has a designated driver to take him home when drunk. When he gets home he spends most his night at the servant quarters to avoid an argument with his wife.

Acute effects of alcohol can lead to drunk driving, automobile accidents, loss of lives, family violence, fight, fall, risky sexual engagement, and progressive drinking will result in alcohol dependence and compromised health status. No one is immune to the effects of alcohol.

Alcohol promotes the health status of the body.

There is a lot of errors and half-truths about the use of alcohol. As a matter of fact, one doesn't become an alcoholic in one day. The small bits of alcohol taken in the disguise of promoting one health puts one at throes of being alcoholic and doesn't exonerate one from the acute and long-term effects of alcohol.

Are Kiwis Healthy? Insights from Dietitians on Their Benefits

  Kiwis are not just a delicious and vibrant fruit; they are also packed with health benefits that can support various aspects of well-being...