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Friday, 19 February 2016

HE IS LYING; 3 evidence-based ways to spot a liar

Spotting a liar has not been an easy thing. Lies are fabricated stories and the inventor has to rehearse and keep a conscious memory of them not to be caught. For the smart minds and thinkers, it is hard to make a lie unto them and get away with it. Previous studies had focused on reading the body language of a liar in order to establish their intentions like darting the eyes, nervous laugh, blushing cheek.

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Here are 3-evidence-based ways in which one can detect a lie:-

Body movements- Giving a lie makes one uneasy, apprehensive, a feeling of guilt may pervade one mind and body movements becomes inevitable which makes the liar easy to detect. Even when one is conscious not to make any body movement there will be still those micro-movements or micro-expressions that give the game away. The ambiguity of this matter is that there are no universal specifications for body language when one lies but the liar will always act differently. People trained on lie detection may not listen to the credibility of what the subject has to say but may concentrate more on the body language and behavior change during interrogation. Body movements could harbor biasness especially when interrogating people from different regions or individual with certain repetitive behavioral tendencies. 

Verbal cues- considering that body language may harbor some biasness and subjects can also master their mannerism to cover their lies, probing the subjects further on the issue at hand may help to uncover the lie. These may help uncover a lie using verbal cues:-

  • Use open-ended question- as the liar tries to fabricate the story they will lose the momentum and experience blocks in their though process. Ensure an eye contact is maintained.
  • Interject the subjects as they uncover the story and you can raise the game by telling them to uncover the story from the end to the beginning. This increases the cognitive load and if it was a lie, the subject may lose the flow of the event and finally will contradict self.

Be observant and watch down regulation of the subject confidence during the conversation. When the liar thinks is in control of the conversation they are more candid. Challenging their stream of thought in a different and clever way makes them feel like they are no longer in control and their confidence may diminish as more challenges comes along.

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Other Post:

The best (and worst) ways to detect a liar- BBC. Address:

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