By Mr. Maondu
(This article is jumbled with medical jargons)
When the we are under stress, the body functions are
altered. Psychological instability, fasting state, extremes of temperatures,
sickness, and fright are some of the things that can put the body under stress.
Response to stress involves a constellation of changes in
the body functions. ‘Fight or flight’ is an immediate response activated when
the body perceives a potential threat. This ‘fight or flight’ response results
in production of adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones to prepare the body to
face the stressful stimuli.
Adrenaline and noradrenaline surge results in:-
- Increased heart rate.
- Self heart-beat awareness.
- Constriction of blood vessels.
- Increase in blood pressure.
- Rapid respiration with dilation of the bronchioles.
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When the perceived threat is eliminated, adrenaline and
noradrenaline go back to normal and heart rate, blood pressure and respiration
return to baseline levels. During the immediate response to stressful stimuli,
the kidneys also produce hormone called cortisol (stress hormone) which
mobilizes energy stores in the body to fuel the bodily functions. Similarly,
when the stressful stimulus is eliminated, the cortisol level in the blood goes
low and back to normal.
People who are under constant stress have functional deficit
in memory marked by faulty decision making strategy. They tend to be more
aggressive in habit-forming behavior, less flexible and full of aggression.
If activation of stress response is sustained for longer
period, the body is chronically exposed to cortisol hormone which has a
detrimental effect to the body functions. It results in stimulation of the
adrenal glands on the kidneys to secrete hormones. These hormones are as
CORTISOL (stress hormone- a glucocorticoid)
Cortisol is produced in the adrenal cortex of adrenal gland.
It is the main glucocorticoid and has been commonly referred as a stress
hormone because it is produced is high amounts during a disturbing emotional
state. Production of this stress hormone is also governed by diurnal pattern
being high in blood between 4 a.m and 8 a.m. Cortisol affects the body
functions as follows:-
- Increase in blood sugar.
- Breakdown of energy substrates like fats and proteins.
- Depressed immune status.
- Cortisol has some effect in absorption of water and sodium back to the blood in urine. It also causes loss of potassium from the blood through the urine.
Extrapolating from this, the effects of chronically elevated
blood cortisol level includes:-
Elevated blood sugar levels- leading due to formation of new
sugars from energy substrates like fats and proteins. Cortisol counteracts
effects of insulin in the tissues worsening the glycemic state.
Insulin resistance- elevated cortisol level may worsen diabetes in people with
type 2 diabetes mellitus. It inhibits use of glucose in the peripheral tissues.
Lowered body immune response- leads to high susceptibility to
infections. Cortisol inhibits proliferation of immune cells (T-cells)
Impaired working and spatial memory- ‘fight or flight’
response results in adrenaline and cortisol surge which creates a short-lived
protective experience and this memory may serve only to know what to do to
avoid such an exposure or what to do in case it happens. (flash bulb memories)
Cortisol impairs retrieval of stored memory, impairs learning and the resultant
effect is diminished memory function.
Bone problems- high level of cortisol in the blood causes reduced absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract. This may result in reduced level of calcium in blood and the body compensates by trying to source for calcium from its stores in the bones. This leads to weak bony structure prone to fractures and osteoporosis.
Stretch marks- high cortisol levels propagates prevalence of
stretch marks. High cortisol level in the blood reduces production of collagen
under the skin. Collagen plays a vital role in maintenance of skin integrity
and elasticity. When collagen function is reduced, skin integrity and
elasticity is compromised and skin tears are common when the skin is
Formation of gastric ulcers- increased cortisol level leads
to increased production of gastric acid which is a risk factor for formation of
gastric or peptic ulcer.
During pregnancy- During the last trimester, high cortisol
level are advantageous in that they help in maturation of the fetal lungs. Most
of this cortisol is fetal in origin. High levels of cortisol early in pregnancy
may yield no benefits at all. Infants borne of mothers with high levels of
;cortisol early in pregnancy may have low rates of BMI as compared to those
infants born of mothers with normal cortisol levels early in the pregnancy.
Other effects of chronically elevated cortisol levels:-
- High blood pressure resulting from water and sodium retention.
- Prolonged wound healing period.
- Suppression of the growth hormone production which may lead to stunted growth in children.
- Muscle wasting, weight loss and thin skin due to high breakdown of fats and proteins in the body.
Treatment of chronic stress:-
- Exercise
- Body relation methods
- Eating balanced diet.
- Adequate rest
- Use of prescribed drugs.
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Chronic stress- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Address:
Endocrine diseases-textbook of Medicine by J. Axford and C.O’Callaghan.
Page 818
Endocrine system- Ross and Wilson textbook of Anatomy and
physiology. 10th edition. Page 211
Cortisol- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Address: